Kate Griffiths (Alpine Pastures) - NZRSB Secretary
Kate is originally from North Wales, where her family farmed sheep, beef cattle and dairy, she completed a BA History and Conservation and decided to continue with farming, moving to New Zealand 18 years ago.
Kate is the Compliance Manager for Alpine Pastures. She works with her partner Hayden McCambridge running the Canterbury arm of the operation, consisting of 400 ha of irrigated land, 200 ha of dry land, an additional 600 ha during the winter months and a Dairy Farm.
They finish 100% Grass-Fed Anti-biotic Free Beef and Lamb, supplying A2 milk to Synlait, members of the Lead with Pride programme, taking part in the NZFAP-plus pilot programme last year, and are working with ANZCO, to obtain Toitu carbon zero certification for their lamb racks.