
How do I join?

Fill out the membership form and send it to:

NZRSB, C/- ANZCO Foods, PO Box 39145 Harewood, Christchurch 8053

or complete the electronic form here.

Why should I join?

The aim of the New Zealand Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (NZRSB) is to ensure New Zealand’s beef is continually produced in a sustainable way, and in-line with consumers’ expectations, by identifying material sustainability issues and promoting good practice through the supply chain. We trust this will ultimately lead to a greater understanding of New Zealand’s beef production systems by our community stakeholders and consumers.

We want to position New Zealand as a leader producer of beef that is safe and produced in a way that is environmentally sound, socially responsible and economically viable. The NZRSB differs from other organisations because its members span the supply chain so it is in a position to take a more holistic approach.

We are aligned to the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and can leverage the best from others involved. We have worked across the industry and identified the key issues facing the sector and will work with the industry to address them. We have defined the standards for a New Zealand setting and identified metrics for achieving those standards so they can be put into practice.

What are the issues that are facing the industry?

An independent materiality study (completed in conjunction with the Red Meat Profit Partnership – RMPP) determined the sustainability issues.

View study and report here.

The study shows the five highest rating material sustainability issues (based on their impact on the sector and the importance for the sector to address) are:

  • Animal welfare and ethics

  • On-farm environmental management

  • Water quality and use

  • Transparency, measurement and verification

  • Industry leadership and vision

What are the next steps for the NZRSB?

  • We want to increase the membership to increase coverage and participation.

  • We will develop a sustainability framework for New Zealand beef that identifies our pillars, focus areas and strategic objectives.

  • We will provide a benchmark report on where we are now and priorities our key initiatives to help us achieve our vision.

  • We will prioritise our sustainability initiatives and facilitate work on the most important issues first.

How much does it cost to join?