As the NZRSB goals consultation document makes it way around our members and stakeholders, let us be reminded of the forward-thinking discussions held at our last Conference, ACROSS THE BEEF VALUE CHAIN.

Some of the key messages for the sustainable beef forum from the speakers on the day were:

  • “Give ourselves permission to be positive,”

  • “Let’s support each other” and

  • “He tangata, he tangata, he tangata, It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.”

The best way to tackle so much change is together, through collaboration. Let’s sit at the beef sustainability roundtable, leave our differences at the door and find a way forward that will work for all of us.

View all of the illustrated minutes here, graphic scribe Rhiannon James.

2022 Conference - Discussion panel illustrated minutes (Scribe, Rhiannon James).

Across the Beef Supply Chain
Louisa Icke